29 de abril de 2009

50 cosas que puedes aprender de los dramas coreanos

No me ha dado tiempo ha terminar el post sobre One Pound Gospel pero llevo un tiempo queriendo dejar este texto, está en inglés había pensado en traducirlo al español pero es tan gracioso en inglés que creo que es perfecto tal y como es (además es probable que alguien ya lo haya traducido). El texto lleva varios años circulando por internet, yo lo leí en el foro de Soompi.

50 Things YOU can learn from Korean dramas

1) Hot, rich, younger men love fat, older vulgar women.

2) If you have a best guy friend, he is in love with you. And secretly you are too.

3) You and your boyfriend will always playfully chase each other on an ice rink, at the beach, or in the leaves. And you'll laugh for no reason and your boyfriend will hit you "playfully" but the force of his push will have you flying across the room. But it's okay. Cuz you're still laughing like a crazy person.

4) Brothers/cousin/uncles-newphews will always love the same girl.

5) You're allowed to make u-turns wherever you want in Korea. And there is never traffic on the side you want to u-turn to.

6) There is a super quick payment device that allows you to pay a bill quickly enough for a guy to run immediately out of a restaurant after his angry girlfriend storms out.

7) Everyone has cancer.

8) If you're sick, all you need is an IV to make you feel lots better.

9) There is vomit and urine all over Seoul at nights.

10) Fighting at a pojangmacha with a random stranger is merely part of a normal night's event.

11) Soju must cost 10 cents. Everyone drinks it everyday all the time, especially the poor people.

12) If you're rich, you're a jerk.

13) If you're poor, you're an angel.

14) Women sleep and wake up with a full set of makeup on.

15) You're not studying hard enough unless you get a nosebleed.

16) If you have a nosebleed, you most definitely have cancer. And you have no money to pay for the surgery that will save your life. And your liver is missing. We're not sure where it went, but it's making your cancer progress faster.

17) If you work in a sool jeep, you have massively curly hair and wear flashy colors from the early 90's.

18) You always order orange juice or coffee at a cafe. And you never drink it. EVER. They drink almost as much as soju.

19) You will always call your boyfriend by his job title. Or simply sunbaenim. Never his name. Never. He doesn't have one.

20) If you TRULY love each other, you must die together in the end. Frozen outside instead of finding shelter like sane people. Just frozen....

21) You go to America you come back miraculously successful. You go to England you come back amazingly fashionable. You stay in Korea the only thing that changes is your hairstyle.

22) And if you come back with no apparent reason then it's because you have cancer.

23) Everyone always goes to the same hospital no matter where they are.

24) If you stand out in the rain for more than five minutes, you'll end up with a fever and vertigo and people will rush you to the hospital to get some magic IV. And instead of taking an ambulance or driving they'll race you on their back.

25) Even if you're poor and can't eat, you never wear the same clothes twice.

26) If you play a poor kid, you always have dirt on your face and your hair is always messy.

27) If you're saving someone from being hit from a car, you'll push them out of the way and wait for the car to hit you instead. couldnt be more true, theyre like a deer in headlights

28) Everyone has a long lost sister/brother/twin. Usually one they didn't know about.

29) If you don't want to answer your phone, you can just turn it off. The battery needs to be taken out.

30) All korean men can drink hard, smoke long, sing well and play piano. Usually all at the same time. And at the same restaurant that has a piano that they let anyone use.

31) If you're in a relationship, you must at one point leave and have your lover tearfully come RIGHT before you board the plane (vice versa applies as well. You can be the chaser). 60% of the time you see each other, the other 40% you're roaming around in circles and pass each other about six times, but miraculously never see them.

32) If you're getting off a plane, you're ALWAYS wearing sunglasses. ALWAYS.

33) All guys wear hideous tracksuits zipped up to their neck. Even if all they're doing is jump roping.

34) Girls will always storm off because they're mad and the guy will stoically grab them by the arm and swing them back- and by magic, not dislocate their shoulders.

35) Guys always look like they're 6 feet tall, even if they're only 5'10. Thank you camera angles.

36) Guys like to wear foundation, eyeliner and sometimes a smudge of lipliner.

37) You always get stuck in an elevator with someone who makes you feel uncomfortable. Even if there are six different elevators, you'll always be stuck in the same one with that bastard you hate (or just fought with).

38) Unless you're fabulously rich, your in-laws will always hate you

39) So will your sister-in-law.

40) Your brother-in-law might be pining away for you.

41) There are only 2 ways to kiss. You either press your lips against theirs with your mouth completely shut, and just press away for a very long and uncomfortable time. OR you devour the other person and suck out their soul. In both instances, the world spins.

42) A guy will always get the right size ring, even if you're never held hands.

43) People stare off into space and ponder a lot. They'll just stop in the middle of the road and watch a leaf on a tree for a good three minutes, and just ponder.

44) You'll get pregnant the first time you have sex.

45) You'll get pregnant if he kisses you on the forehead.

46) Hell- you'll get pregnant if you hold hands.

47) If you overcome great obstacles to be together, one of you must die. Probably due to cancer.

48) One korean man can kick the butts of 6 gangstas. Especially when they all stand in a circle and attack the guy one by one. Then when each of them get their butts OWNED, they wise up and attack the guy at the same time. Then the guy will get pulverized and bleed out onto the dusty concrete floor of the empty warehouse they've found to fight in. There will be a fire in a trashcan somewhere. And the girl will have watched this the entire time, screaming in horror. Instead of calling 119, she'll just watch and cry. But it's okay. Cuz the next day the guy will be fine with a few random bandages and a few face scars. But never a black eye.

49) It ain't a real fight unless the gangstas fight dirty with a stick or switchblade.

50) If you study in the states (preferably Harvard), you are one of the top students and can speak perfect English (as assumed by the reactions of those around you). Why the rest of the world OUTSIDE of the TV can't understand a single word uttered out of your melodramatic mouth is beyond me.

Las autoras son inbi y sexy bi

Si sois seguidores de las series coreanas estoy segura de que os habréis reído si no, está claro que no compartimos sentido del humor. ^^

Este no forma parte de la lista pero es algo que siempre me ha llamado la atención de las series coreanas, da igual el nivel social de los personajes de la serie si tienen móvil todos tendrán el mismo último modelo (cambiando el color) y si en algún flashback salen hablando por teléfono, aunque sea cinco años antes tendrán el mismo teléfono.

9 comentarios:

febbe dijo...

como me he reido por favor xD es buenisimo!! te importa si lo traduzco y lo cuelgo en mi blog citandote?? espero tu respuesta! gracias

Anónimo dijo...

Hola! jejeje muuuuuy bueno, me ha hecho mucha gracia lo de las peleas XD siempre lo rodean, como sino pudieran irse todos contra el pobre personaje jeje. Y es muy cierto lo de los celulares, y ademas apesar de que los personajes no tengan dinero, si llegan a tener un celular va a ser como el de cualquier otro personaje con un poco mas de dinero. Nos vemos!

Eva dijo...

Febbe por supuesto que lo puedes traducir no te olvides de poner a las creadoras del texto. ^^ He visto un poquito por encima tu blog, haber cuando tengo un ratito y lo veo bien, me parece muy interesante. ^^

Cyrene me alegra saber que no soy la única a la que le molesta el tema de los celulares, no sé como la gente de atrezzo no se da cuenta de que toda la labor se pierde con el teléfono de última generación.

febbe dijo...

muchas gracias Eva ^^ ya está puesto. Pasate cuando queiras por el blog, es un placer :)

Eva dijo...

Muchas gracia a ti Febbe.

Anónimo dijo...

jaja son las 50 razones por las cuales no veo dramas coreanos. clichosas y clonicas, siempre las mismas escenas y las mismas historias, solo cambian actores. siempre romance, a excepcion de 2 o 3, sin nada original.

Eva dijo...

Es cierto que alguno de los defectos que se relatan en la lista son comunes en los dramas coreanos pero no en todos, tienen comedias y series de misterio realmente buenas aunque le que más se traducen son las comedias románticas que son las que tienen estos problemillas.

yanie dijo...

dices que hay series diferentes. me podrías recomendar algunas? todas las comedias que veo lo unico que hace es gritar y darse golpes ademas de los defectos que se mencionan en la lista. he visto series de misterio y accion pero no son muchas. si hay mas pues lastima que no las subtitulen. el unico drama coreano que he visto completo este año es story of man. me encanto. hace tiempo que no veia una serie coreana completa. de las historias romanticas ya me canse porque la verdad no ofrecen nada nuevo.

Eva dijo...

Yanie he estado pensando un poco en las últimas series coreanas que he visto que no fueran comedias; como últimamente no tengo tiempo de ver nada y la mayoría de las series que se traducen son comedias ha sido algo complicadillo pero ahí va.

Yo te recomendaría Looking for Dorothy, Special Crime Investigation, The Devil y The Legend, la última es una serie histórica con muchos efectos especiales y una gran ambientación. Las cuatro me gustaron mucho y puedes leer los resúmenes en el Índice de Series que hay al principio de la página.

Si ves series en inglés dimelo porque hay alguna más que no está subtitulada al español, que yo sepa, que quizás te podría interesar.

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